Expanding our reach through virtual services.

Accessible healthcare is a wonderful thing.

With telehealth, Northshore Pediatric Therapy can serve families of the Evergreen State if they live in a high-rise apartment in downtown Seattle or on a 1,000-acre farm in Central Washington.

We understand that accessibility to great options for speech therapy can be limited for a bunch of different reasons. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our daily lives, our busy schedules can take up a lot of our time, and the location of our homes can dictate the healthcare options available to us.

At Northshore Pediatric Therapy, we want to break down as many barriers as we can that keep children from receiving the support they need. That is why virtual speech therapy is an option for many of the families we work with - and that could mean fully virtual, a hybrid mix with in-person sessions, or just the occasional telehealth session when it makes sense to switch it up.


Wondering what a session might look like?

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, our clinicians have learned how to adapt therapy activities to keep them engaging and productive once we go virtual. While strategies can vary quite a bit depending on a child’s needs, goals, or preferences, our methods often have some combination of…

  • Caregiver coaching and facilitation

  • Virtual games that hold a child’s interest

  • Incorporating feedback and guidance to address target skills

  • Materials and favorite toys that are already in the home

  • High energy!

Our current platform for sessions is a HIPAA-compliant version of Google Meets.

Reach out to learn more.

Would your child be a great fit for virtual speech therapy?

 Looking for the right fit? Meet the team!